Whistle Blowing Procedures

This page outlines the procedures for employees and third parties to confidentially and anonymously report misconduct, defined as any “intentional or negligent failure” to adhere to the Kingdom Bank Limited Code of Ethical Conduct.

The whistleblower hotline/helpline is specifically designated for reporting the following issues:

  • Financial irregularities
  • Anti-bribery and corruption concerns
  • Internal accounting controls
  • Questionable accounting or auditing matters
  • Illegal, unethical, or improper conduct
  • Soliciting funds from customers
  • Fraudulent activities and financial reporting
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Sexual, physical, or other forms of abuse of employees or customers
  • Shylocking (illegal lending at exorbitant interest rates)

For other types of misconduct, including employment and labour complaints, reports should be made in accordance with the Kingdom Bank Whistleblowing Policy.

Kingdom Bank recognizes the importance of whistleblowing as a key component of good governance. The Bank fosters an environment that supports and protects employees who, in good faith, report suspected misconduct. A robust whistleblowing protection mechanism is in place to safeguard both the interests of the Bank and the rights of the individual subject to the complaint, ensuring that employees who report misconduct are protected from retaliation.

Employees have a responsibility to report suspected misconduct to their supervisor, the Head of Human Resources department, or directly to the Managing Director & CEO’s office. The Bank is committed to protecting those who, in good faith, report suspicions of misconduct from any reprisal actions.

Reports may be submitted in person to the designated offices or via email at Whistle.blowing@kingdombankltd.co.ke. To facilitate investigation, reports should include specific details and, whenever possible, evidence.

Forex Rates by March 27, 2025
USD: BUY 127.00 SELL 131.00GBP: BUY 163.70 SELL 171.90EUR: BUY 135.90 SELL 144.05AED: BUY SELL 35.75AUD: BUY SELL 82.90CAD: BUY SELL 92.04CHF: BUY SELL 148.67INR: BUY SELL 1.53ZAR: BUY SELL 7.20JPY: BUY SELL 0.87